Enjoying Caluk Noodle - Lhokseumawe

Enjoying Mie Caluek Lhoksumawe - Besides Aceh fried noodles, there are noodles that are no less interesting and certainly delicious. Mie Caluek is a noodle full of fragrant spices and is one of the noodles from Aceh. If you want to enjoy the noodles, you should visit the Pusong Reservoir in Lhoksumawe.

Menikmati Mie Caluek – Waduk Pusong

Although in terms of appearance not much different from the noodles in general, but there is something that distinguishes them, namely the addition of peanut sauce. The method of making noodles is quite easy, which is boiled and sauteed noodles accompanied by typical Acehnese spices until cooked. After cooking don't forget to serve along with a sprinkling of red and white crackers and peanut sauce which is typical of this noodle.

Menikmati Mie Caluek – Khas Aceh

In the Pusong Reservoir area, Lhoksumawe every day must be crowded with visitors who are exercising and enjoying the culinary, one of which is noodle Caluek. It is recommended for tourists who are visiting in Aceh, do not forget to visit the city of Lhoksumawe, precisely in the Pusong Reservoir. At around 3:00 p.m. local time, traders have begun to open their wares to spoil your tongue.

Menikmati Mie Caluek – Lhoksumawe Aceh
