Medical Check UP Genset | See the smoke!

Medical Check UP Genset - Lihat Asapnya

Medical Check Up Genset - Smoke coming out of the exhaust is the result of engine combustion. The color and thickness of the smoke from the exhaust can be used as an indication of the condition of the engine itself. A healthy machine emits colorless and invisible smoke. If the smoke comes out thick and white, gray, black or blue, then the machine is in trouble. Black smoke is caused by incomplete combustion, meaning: there are a number of fuels that fail to burn. The rest of the material along with waste air makes the smoke black. In conclusion: Black smoke can be a sign that the engine is wasteful of fuel, and the power it produces cannot be 100%.

One of the causes of Smoke becomes black:

~ Fresh air supply for combustion due to dirty air filters, leaky intake manifold or clogging, or interference with the turbocharger, or the valve is worn out.
~ The exhaust gas channel, where there are obstacles to the exhaust or too many twists in the exhaust pipe of the air, so that the air from the combustion chamber does not come out freely
.~ Fuel injection system: Inaccurate injection timing, or problematic nozzle.
~ BBM quality. Bad quality fuel or waste is certainly lower than the flash point (flash point) so it does not burn perfectly.

Black smoke is also an indication that the engine is time to undergo an overhaul. Thin white smoke is normal. White is water vapor resulting from condensation in the exhaust system. This type of smoke should only appear briefly and immediately disappear after there is no moisture in the engine. But do not underestimate if white smoke comes out thickly even after the old machine has been run. This indicates that moisture is actively forming inside the engine. In conclusion: White smoke can indicate a disturbance in the engine cooling system. The engine that is disrupted by the cooling system is very vulnerable to overheating which can cause very severe damage to the engine.

One of the causes of Smoke becomes white:

~ Working temperature is too low.
~ Leaks in the combustion chamber so that cooling water enters the combustion chamber
.~ The engine block is cracked so that cooling water seeps into the combustion chamber.
~ Compression in the combustion chamber is low due to the cylinder liner or piston ring wear, or the problem on the valve seat.

Bluish-colored smoke indicates the entry of oil (lubricating oil) into the combustion chamber.

One of the causes of Smog became blue:

~ Oil leaks in the turbocharger. Oil is carried into the combustion chamber through the intake manifold.
~ The oil is filled too full.
~ The piston ring or cylinder liner wears out so that the oil is pressed into the combustion chamber.
~ Wear on the valve guide
