The Noodle Eating Contest, is this Mafia Member accused of Cheating?

The Noodle Eating Contest, is this Mafia Member accused of Cheating? - Hearing the word "Mafia" you must have imagined violence or fighting. But this time the members of the mafia held an instant noodle eating competition held by two mob groups called Mongrel Mob and Black Power.

Lomba Makan Mie - Anggota Mafia

This incident began when one of them said "Are you ready for this challenge?". After that the competition went on and started eating instant noodles in front of him. But a few minutes later on the cellphone one of the mafia members suddenly lost stability. So that it can't take pictures, when the picture starts to clear again the portion of the mafia member's noodles becomes much smaller than the previous one.

Lomba Makan Mie - Dituduh Curang

"Your place to eat looks less, you cheat. You throw a few noodles when your cellphone falls, this is an unfair match, let's repeat the match" his opponent said. But the mafia member refused the invitation to replay and said "I'm not cheating, I'm a member of madia from Mongrel Mob".

Lomba Makan Mie - Mafia Curang
