Update on cPanel version 76

Update cPanel version 76 - cPanel is the control panel that is used to make arrangements for web hosting services. Without cPanel, setting up web hosting can only be done through text commands. cPanel makes it easy for users to do various configurations through an attractive user interface display.

Update cPanel versi 76 - cPanel Home

cPanel just announced cPanel & WHM Version 76 and became a stable version on December 18, 2018. Along with the update, cPanel also explained some of the changes and developments they have made.

Here are 3 important features that must be underlined in the cPanel Version 76 update:

1.  Git SSH Host Key Verification

With the security upgrade from cPanel Version 76, the system will automatically verify the Host Key every time you clone the repository on the Git Version Control interface. This security system is used to avoid unexpected attacks from irresponsible individuals.

2. Entire UI Using PHP 7.2

cPanel has used the PHP 7.2 version for the user interface (UI). In cPanel & WHM version 76, the entire UI has been updated from PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.2.

3. Removal of SquirrelMail

Previously, SquirrelMail was added to cPanel when webmail first became the cPanel user option. However, SquirrelMail has not been upgraded and updated since 30 May 2013.

cPanel itself finds it difficult to keep updating SquirrelMail because of the lack of security without any official updates from the webmail. So finally cPanel decided not to continue the SquirrelMail upgrade in the next version.

On its official website, cPanel states that they will delete SquirrelMail as a whole in the next version of cPanel (Version 78).

Until this article is published, cPanel has not received a replacement for SquirrelMail, so only webmail available on cPanel is Horde and Roundcube.
