Update the price of Perta Series throughout Indonesia

Update Harga Pertamina - Pertaseries

Update on Indonesian Perta Series Prices - Starting on January 5, 2019, PT. Pertamina reduced Non-Subsidized BBM prices for all regions of Indonesia with varying quantities. from Rp. 100 to Rp. 250 per liter.

Pertamina Retail Marketing Director, Masud Khamid explained, the adjustment of Non-Subsidized BBM prices will take effect from Saturday 5 January 2019 at 00.00 local time. The type of fuel that has been adjusted is done in various ways. The adjustment in fuel prices was based on strengthening the value of the rupiah against the US dollar and world oil prices which had been adjusted.

Quoted directly from the release of PT Pertamina, Pertamina's Managing Director Nicke Widyawati said that the price adjustments made by Pertamina were in accordance with the prevailing mechanisms and regulations.

The types of BBM that experience price adjustments are as follows:

1. Pertalite has decreased the price of Rp. 150 per liter.
2. Pertamax has decreased the price of Rp. 200 per liter.
3. Pertamax Turbo has a price decrease of Rp. 250 per liter.
4. Dexlite has decreased the price of Rp. 200 per liter.
5. Dex has decreased the price of Rp. 100 per liter.

These prices can differ from region to region depending on the amount of motor vehicle tax in each region. The following example is a list of prices for the East Java region.

~ Pertalite: Rp. 7,650.00 per liter.
~ Pertamax: Rp. 10,200,00 per liter.
~ Pertamax Turbo: Rp. 12,000.00 per liter.
~ Dexlite: Rp. 10.300, 00 per liter.
~ Dex: Rp. 11,750.00 per liter.
