Want to exercise? Try this Indoor Sports

Mau Olahraga Coba Olahraga Indoor ini - Yoga

Want to exercise? Try this Indoor Sports - Want Sports but the weather is hot or rainy, no need to worry, try 3 Indoor Sports this is guaranteed you will be addicted.


Why gymnastics? because gymnastics can be done anywhere, anytime, and by anyone. This sport is very suitable for those of you who do not want to go out of the house to exercise, or when the weather is hot or rain can still be done. Besides that gymnastics also do not need special equipment like other sports.

Besides not needing special equipment, it turns out gymnastics also has considerable benefits for health, among others, improving heart function and losing weight for more complete refer to the benefits of gymnastics.

Yoga Sports

Yoga is a relaxing sport but has many benefits for your body's health, one of which is being able to burn calories. Apart from relaxing sports Yoga can also be one of the best choices for doing indoor exercise because it does not require a large enough room. As for some types of yoga you can do:

1. Hatha Yoga
2. Vinyasa Yoga
3. Inyengar Yoga
4. Ashtanga Yoga
5. Kundalini Yoga
6. Restoratif Yoga


Run away Shouldn't you run outside the room? NO, you can also run inside the room but must use a special tool, Treedmill. Although this one sport requires special tools to do it, it can be an option for you to do indoor sports. Apparently running exercise using Treedmill can also be beneficial for health, one of which is being able to burn calories in the body as much as 183 / hour at a speed of 2 mph.
