Wheat Bread vs Red Rice vs White Rice | Which one is your choice?

Roti Gandum vs Nasi Merah vs Nasi Putih - Mana yang Lebih Baik

Wheat Bread vs Red Rice vs White Rice - All people, both women and men, definitely want to have an ideal and healthy body, so they will definitely pay attention to their lifestyle and food consumed. Almost everyone thinks Red Rice and Wheat Bread are the healthiest foods, then what about other staple foods like White Rice? Is White Rice not as healthy as Red Rice and Wheat Bread? Is White Rice not good for consumption?

Which should I consume to keep my body to be ideal and healthy? Is White Rice, Red Rice or Wheat Bread? The question is often a big problem for almost all women. White Rice, Red Rice or Wheat Bread actually depends on the purpose and activities you do everyday. Does the activity you do need extra energy? or the activities you do need high concentration? Whatever your activities are and whatever your choice is better, choose the "Whole Grain" version that is the best for your health.

According to a study "People who consume foods with the basic ingredients more grains have less sugar and cholesterol levels than people who consume fewer grains" published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition"

When viewed from the calorie content contained in White Rice, Red Rice and Wheat Bread, Wheat Bread has the least calorie content from the others. But this does not make Wheat Bread the "most" good food for consumption. If you are limiting calories, the statement can be considered very suitable to be your choice, but if your activity requires a lot of calorie content then the statement is not suitable for you. therefore choose according to your daily activities and the purpose you consume them.

Speaking of fiber problems, the Red Rice won. Why Red Rice? Because these foods contain fiber which is about 1.8 grams of fiber for 10 tablespoons. The fiber content helps maintain the health of your digestive tract, prevents heart disease, and is able to maintain weight as you wish.

If you look at the Vitamin content, White Rice is the right choice for you. Where 10 spoons of White Rice contains about 77 micrograms of folate or about 19% of your daily vitamin needs.

When viewed from the point of view of the most mineral content, then Red Rice is a food that you must consume because Red Rice contains 42 mg of magnesium or 11% of your daily needs. The benefits of magnesium are to strengthen bones, increase immunity and make your heart rate regular.
