Effect of "Revenge" Sleep on Weekends

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Effect of Weekend Sleep "Revenge" - The key to good sleep is consistency. If you are accustomed to sleeping late and sleeping occasionally, then it doesn't matter if it has become a routine. Not a few people who sleep for a long time on weekends or "revenge" to restore the lack of sleep.

However, according to a recent study, the habit actually had no effect whatsoever. The results of research published in the journal Current Biology were carried out by the University of Colorado, United States. Revenge sleep on weekends might make you feel better for a while. However, if your sleep pattern returns to bad again the next week, and then the pattern occurs continuously, then it will actually have a negative impact on health.

"Our study found that working hard all day long and trying to sleep revenge on weekends was an ineffective effort for health."

So said study researcher Kenneth Wright who is also a professor of integrative psychology and Director of the Sleep and Chronobiology Lab. The research team recruited 36 volunteers aged 18-39 years to stay in the Clinical Translational Research Center at the Anschutz Medical Campus for two weeks. 36 volunteers were divided into three groups.

The first group sleeps for nine hours, the second group five hours, and the third group is allowed to sleep as much as they want for two days, such as weekends. Everything is done before returning to five hours of sleep per night for the rest of their time. The result, groups that limit sleep and consume snacks at night experience weight gain.

Not only that, there is also a decrease in insulin sensitivity, a hormone that helps the body regulate blood sugar levels. Meanwhile, the third group or those who slept long on weekends showed improvement in health conditions, but did not last long.
