Latest Wifi Technology 6 | Super Super Wifi

Teknologi Terbaru Wifi 6 Wifi Super Ngebut - Wifi 6

Latest Wifi Technology 6 | Super Speeding Wifi - Feel if your Wi-Fi is really slow even though you already use unlimited internet packages? Have you ever heard that there will be Wi-Fi 6 technology that will be present this year?

Along with the times, it turns out that fast internet is needed by everyone, including the development of Wi-Fi technology.

Actually it's a bit technical to discuss what Wi-Fi is 6. But as an updated technology connoisseur you need to know what Wi-Fi 6 is that is being discussed by many people lately.

What is Wi-Fi 6

WiFi 6 is the next generation of the previous generation of Wi-Fi that already exists (Wi-Fi 5). WiFi 6 is the latest version known as 802.11ax. Wi-Fi 6 is expected to appear at the end of 2019 and can be enjoyed starting in 2020.

Successor of Generation Wi-Fi

The rules and creations regarding Wi-Fi 6 were coined by The Wi-Fi Alliance, as the official body that creates, develops, and standardizes Wi-Fi throughout the world.

That is, every generation of Wi-Fi in the world today is determined and developed by the Wi-Fi Alliance. In the past 10 years, at least Wi-Fi technology has grown three times.

Naming each Wi-Fi is intentionally different so that it can distinguish between generation x Wi-Fi and y-generation Wi-Fi. So, you don't need to be confused when someone calls Wi-Fi 5 = 802.11ac.

More Devices and Faster

Wi-Fi 6 will certainly get an update in terms of data transfer speeds that are guaranteed to be faster. It is estimated that WiFi 6 will have a data transfer of 40% higher than WiFi 5.

Wi-Fi 6 will also be equipped with better MIMO (Multiple In / Multiple Out) capabilities. A number of additional antennas will be included on the Wi-Fi 6 device, so that each network access is able to work with many devices at the same time.

Wi-Fi 5 can actually make network access talk to other devices simultaneously. However, it cannot receive responses simultaneously.

This update on Wi-Fi is likely to be very useful when IoT is already widely used by the public.

More efficient

If you are a fan of super HD quality games, you will definitely feel happy with the presence of Wi-Fi 6. The overall bandwidth per user connected to Wi-Fi 6, is suitable for ultra-HD video games and virtual reality streaming.

Wi-Fi 6 has a maximum range of access points (access points) that are higher and can be 4x further than Wi-Fi 5. Wi-Fi 6 is also considered suitable for outdoor environments and made public Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi 6 is able to manage data connections from cellular networks if the signal is received poorly, so that the connection on Wi-Fi 6 can be more maximal.

Oh yeah, it should be underlined, Wi-Fi 6 is not directly related to Technological 5G which may be present at the end of 2019 as well. 5G is more focused on internet speed and Wi-Fi 6 more in terms of distribution.

Save Battery

Actually there are more than 50 new technologies that will change from Wi-Fi 5 to Wi-Fi 6, one of which is about saving batteries that might occur.

In simple terms, Wi-Fi 6 enables smartphone, laptop or other devices connected to Wi-Fi 6 to be "smarter" because it can automatically signal when the device must be connected to Wi-Fi, when to disconnect with Wi-Fi networks.

So, if you find it difficult to have to download a battery saver application on your Android or iPhone, this problem will be resolved if Wi-Fi 6 technology really exists.
