Traveling Alone? No need to worry

Traveling Sendirian Siapa Takut - Traveling

Traveling Alone? No need to worry - There is no better way to get to know the world and yourself than to do solo traveling or traveling alone. Unfortunately, many people fail to realize the dream, for various reasons and concerns.

But, is it true that the journey itself is so alarming? By following the following suggestions, maybe your trip will truly be safe and fun, without worry.

1. Learn emergency expressions in local languages

You may have mastered basic words like "hello," "goodbye," and "thank you," in local languages. But, learning terms and phrases that can help communicate with local residents during emergencies is also very important.

2. Don't be afraid to lie

Getting to know the locals along the way can be a distinct advantage. But, if at the time of introduction there are questions that make you uncomfortable, then it doesn't matter if you have to lie. Yes, for the sake of safety.

3. Dress according to local culture

You must hear the saying "where the earth is rested, where the heavens are upheld". Well, this also applies when you travel. This will also affect the interaction with the local population, especially when needed. How to dress also reveals the way you communicate with people around. In fact, clothes can also reflect a person's personality.

4. Know the point of conversation that must be avoided

Chatting with local residents is one of the best ways to learn about the environment. However, beware of sensitive things that can offend or embarrass yourself.
