Is Your Car Target Enter 2019 Automotive Trend?

Apakah Mobil Incaran Anda Masuk Tren Otomotif 2019 - Tren Otomotif

Is Your Car Target Enter 2019 Automotive Trend? - GM International, which houses Chevrolet, Holden and Cadillac brands in the Asia Pacific region, has a futurologist and founder of, Richard Watson. This is to observe the 10 most important automotive trends that will occur in 2019.

"In 2019, the Asia Pacific remains an area that will continue to grow. This is reflected in the overall optimism towards the future compared to other regions in the world which is considered to be in decline," said Richard Watson, in a press release received by Liputan6. com, Friday (1/18/2019).

Although not all automotive trends are said to be proven this year, this trend is expected to occur in the near future, maybe even faster than anyone expected.

1. The development of self-driving cars has continued rapidly

We will witness further development of non-motorized vehicles, including cars, railroad type transportation, buses, trucks, and possibly airplanes. GM's unirected vehicle unit, Cruise Automation, is currently racing to become the first manufacturer on the market to launch fully autonomous vehicles (AV).

2. Sustainable growth and investment in the field of electric vehicles and alternative fuels

GM's main business strength, followed by global demand for truck pickups and SUVs it produces has provided a large space for the corporation to invest deeply in future technology development. In 2017, GM has announced plans to launch 20 new electric vehicles before 2023. At the same time, GM along with its industrial partners are working on developing hydrogen-powered electric vehicles in the not too distant future.

3. Polarization of large or small cars, expensive or cheap cars and environmentally friendly or environmentally friendly cars

Along with the investment of motor vehicle manufacturers in the development of electric vehicles, they also continue to respond to the demand for favorite vehicles such as pickup trucks and SUVs, and combined with advanced technology. One example is the pickup of a ZH2 electric truck that uses hydrogen fuel cells that GM recently introduced.

4. Decreasing interest in the younger generation has a driver's license, especially in big cities

Schroders' research shows the proportion of young people who own a driver's license or own a vehicle has declined in recent years. Meanwhile, the emergence of car-sharing services such as Grab, Go-Car and Lyft, became one of the factors that played a role.

5. Growth of ride-sharing-based transportation, community-owned transportation and partial ownership

In line with the decreasing level of ownership of SIMs, the concept of ride-sharing began to grow rapidly. In Australia earlier this year, Holden celebrated one year of the operation of Maven Gig which is part of GM. Since its launch, Maven Gig has successfully achieved significant growth along with the increasing number of Australians who are turning professions into freelancers and moving towards an economy of sharing in earning income and looking for practical ways to achieve goals faster.
