The President's Choice Can Be Different, But Health Is Main

Pilihan Presiden Boleh Beda, Tapi Kesehatan Tetap Utama - Keutamaan Kesehatan

The President's Choice Can Be Different, But Health Is Main - Intestinal tumors including Uteri Myoma and ovarian cysts can be prevented. What can be done? The following is the presentation of obstetricians who are members of the Gynecology Minimally Invasive Treatment Surabaya (GMITS), Dr. Henky M Masteryanto SpOG.

1. Self Awareness

The first thing to consider is self-awareness. According to Henky, it is important for a woman to have awareness such as routine self-examination even before marriage. With such awareness, it will minimize the spread of uterine tumors and other diseases.

"In addition, you must also be careful, do not be easily stressed. Because stress can also trigger the growth of uterine tumors," said Henky.

2. Exercise

The second is sports. Because, said Henky, regular exercise can make the body healthier.

"You don't have to exercise hard, just light exercise like walking can be done," said Henky.

A healthy body will increase the body's resistance so that it can fight the sources of diseases that will attack the body.

3. Healthy lifestyle

The third thing that is not less important is doing a healthy lifestyle. Apart from exercising, a healthy lifestyle, Henky said, can be done by eating healthy and nutritious foods. Fast food or junk food, said Henky, should be avoided. In addition, you should also pay attention to the cleanliness of intimate organs by changing and cleaning them regularly.

4. Routine Check

The fourth is to check themselves regularly. Henky said, the examination, especially for those who have genetic factors that have the potential to contract uterine tumors, is important to do.

"If you have a family history of uterine tumors, you should be more careful. Routine to check yourself," he added.

Examinations carried out can be done once every six months to one year. With the existence of routine checks like this, it is expected to prevent the coming of diseases that lurk these women.
