5 Healthy Foods for Breastfeeding Mothers | Beautiful Mother of a Healthy Baby

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5 Healthy Foods for Breastfeeding Mothers - After giving birth for sure all women want to restore the condition of their body weight as before before conceiving, some try with sports and some do it with surgery. But losing weight too fast has less good side effects for baby's health.

One of them will reduce milk production and cause you to lose the energy needed to care for the baby. Surely you do not want something bad to happen to your baby, right? Calm times ilmupoint.com will share Tips & Trick to help you lose weight and keep your baby's nutrition fulfilled.

Here are 5 Healthy Foods for Breastfeeding Mothers that you can choose

1. Salmon
Who doesn't know Salmon. Salmon is a very popular type of fish that contains DHA which can improve the development of your baby's nervous system. Although all breast milk contains DHA, breast milk given by mothers who consume Salmon-based foods has a higher DHA content.

But you should know the amount of Salmon fish you eat within 1 week can consume 12 ounces of salmon. This is because of the presence of mercury content in Salmon fish that can be dangerous if it consumes excessively.

2. Meatless Fat
Most meats contain enough fat, but there is one type of meat that has little or no fat. One of them is beef. Besides not containing fat, beef also contains protein, iron, vitamin B which is an important element for nursing mothers.

3. Fruits
Every nursing mother needs vitamins and minerals to meet the needs of her mother and baby. Consuming fruits can meet the needs of the mother's vitamins and minerals. Besides fruits also contain high levels of antioxidants, one of which is blueberries and oranges.

4. Green vegetables
There is no doubt about the benefits because everyone will know the benefits of all green vegetables. Green vegetables are an important source of energy for the mother and baby, because they contain iron, various vitamins, various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are good for heart health.

5. Wheat
All wheat-based foods such as bread, cereals, and pasta are good sources of carbohydrates for your health. Wheat can reduce your weight because you will feel full longer and contain a variety of important nutrients that you need.
