English Language Ability, Increase Global Competition

Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris Tingkatkan Persaingan Global - Persaingan Global

English Language Ability, Enhancing Global Competition - English language proficiency is one of the requirements that many companies will look for. Moreover, in 2020, Indonesia will be fully involved in the free market of the World Trade Organization (WTO). That means, competition in finding a job will be tighter. On the other hand, the opportunity for employment is even greater if we are able to master a foreign language, at least English.

Wilda Situngkir, Putri Indonesia Pariwisata 2018 has a profitable experience because it is fluent in English.

"When there was a question and answer session with other participants, there were two other counselors who could not speak English. Although it's not really good, but I can answer, and it helps me to get to the next stage, "said the woman who became Miss 2018's Supranational Runner-up at the SAY YES press conference at Wall Street Pacific Place on Wednesday (02/27/19) .

Meanwhile, even though Alamanda Shantika was born into a family who is capable of speaking English, he continued to hone his skills.

He was worried that he would not be able to compete in this increasingly borderless world of work.

"At that time I didn't study abroad because my father was sick. But I told my mother that I want to be able to speak English in the future, "said the 28-year-old woman.

According to him, English proficiency is very helpful in the world of work and industry.

"A simple example, if I want to present in front of investors, it must use English," he added.

According to Kish Gill, CEO of Wall Street English (WSE) Indonesia, increasing foreign language skills will also increase one's confidence.

"Until later, it will encourage these people to pursue their dreams," Kish said.
