How to Turn Off Windows Update with PowerShell on All Windows

How to Turn Off Windows Update with PowerShell - One of the ways to deal with Windows Update that continues to appear is to deactivate the feature provided by Microsoft, there are several methods for Disabling Windows Update that were discussed in the previous article, but here will be discussed using PowerShell.

Turning it off or off can endanger the security of your PC or Laptop because it does not receive security update patches from Microsoft.

1. Select Command Prompt menu.
Cara Menonaktifkan Windows Update dengan Command Power Shell - Command Prompt

2. Then type the following command
stop-service wuauserv
set-service wuauserv –startup disabled

3. To ensure that the service is dead, you can check it with the following command
get-wmiobject win32_service –filter “name=’wuauserv'”

4. To reactivate it, type the following command
set-service wuauserv –startup manual
start-service wuauserv

if the Service is off, the StartMode has the Disabled status and the State is Stop
