5 Super Delicious Market Snacks

Snacking the Super Delicious Market - The culinary wealth in Indonesia seems endless. Not only heavy food is available, but unique and delicious cakes are also available in this country. Some are able to survive, others must be willing to be replaced with modern cakes. In urban areas, traditional cakes are usually found on the market.

Although the status of traditional cakes does not mean the taste of these cakes is not tasty. Some are even acknowledged as cakes that are better than modern cakes that exist today. Some cake makers even made innovations from traditional cakes so they could still compete in the era of globalization. Traditional cakes are also fairly easy to make. Here are some of the most delicious recommendations for market snacks.

1. Klepon

5 Jajan Pasar Super Nikmat - Klepon

This one cake is made from basic ingredients of rice flour. This round green cake with grated coconut is quite easy to make. The basic ingredients are relatively easy to obtain such as rice flour, brown sugar, and grated coconut, which are widely available in the market at a fairly cheap price. You can also innovate by adding purple sweet potato mixture or other suitable ingredients.

2. Pinch Cakes

5 Jajan Pasar Super Nikmat - Kue Cubit

Kue cubit is one of the Japanese heritage cakes that still exists today. the way to make cubit cake is relatively similar to how to blindly paint cookies, only with prints and several different mixtures. You can find cubit cake recipes easily on the internet, how to make cakes is not too difficult. You can also make various innovations with this pinch cake recipe by giving a mixture of various topings or colors to make it more attractive. In addition to being easy to make, the cubit cake ingredients are also relatively easy to obtain.

3. Nagasari

5 Jajan Pasar Super Nikmat - Nagasari

This cake made from rice flour is also quite simple to make. Nagasari Cake is a cake made from white rice flour, with stuffed banana slices. Nagasari cakes are usually wrapped in old banana leaves to add to the unique taste of this cake. the basic ingredients for making cakes are not too difficult to obtain. You only need to provide rice flour, steamed bananas and banana leaves to wrap the cake.

4. Pukis

5 Jajan Pasar Super Nikmat - Pukis

At a glance pukis cake has the shape of a pancong cake. It's just that Pukis has a more diverse toping with ingredients that are also slightly different from the pancong cake. To make this traditional cake you only need flour and yeast as the main ingredients. While you can customize the cake topping according to each taste.

5. Kue Lumpur

5 Jajan Pasar Super Nikmat - Kue Lumpur

The last one on this list is mud cake. Although the name is quite disgusting, the taste of cake II can compete with other traditional cakes. besides being quite tasty, this one cake is also filling because it uses potatoes as the base ingredient. to make this cake, you need steamed and mashed potatoes as a basic ingredient plus some cake ingredients in general, you can also add raisins or chocolate as a toping for this food.
