OCA Award for Indonesia, 2018 Asian Games Success

Penghargaan OCA Untuk Indonesia, Asian Games 2018 Sukses - Asian Games 2018

OCA Award for Indonesia, 2018 Asian Games Success - Chairperson of the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI), Erick Thohir, represents Indonesia to receive the OCA Award from the Asian Olympic Council (OCA) in Bangkok on Saturday (02/03/2019).

Indonesia won the award after successfully holding the 2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games.

Erick Thohir as Indonesia's representative said he was proud of the award received.

"Representing Indonesia, both state leaders, executive committees, volunteers, and the people of Indonesia, I feel proud of the award given by OCA for the 2018 Asian Games," Erick Thohir said in an official release to Kompas.com.

"This award is for Indonesia which has successfully held the Best Asian Games which received appreciation from all over the world," he said.

Erick Thohir also explained that the success of the 2019 Asian Games was inseparable from the massive publication.

The audience absorbed information from around 16,000 articles that appeared during the 2018 Asian Games. Within the country itself, news about the Asian Games was in 10,583 online media, 400 magazines, 620 televisions, and 3,673 newspapers.

"No wonder, thanks to the massive publication, the 2018 Asian Games received praise from other parts of the world," Erick Thohir said.

"They were amazed because Indonesia was able to hold this sports party in a short preparation time. Therefore, we are confident and optimistic that Indonesia is worthy and deserving if it wants to host the upcoming 2032 Olympics," he said.
