Smart Traveling for Packing

Traveling Cerdas Untuk Packing - Traveling Cerdas

Smart Traveling for Packing - One of the most lazy things before traveling is packing. A sense of enthusiasm for walking can suddenly disappear if you think about that one activity. Besides requiring a lot of time, most people are also confused about how to put a myriad of goods and clothing for days into one bag or luggage. But do you know that there are lots of clever tips and tricks that can help and make it easier for you to pack without wasting a lot of time and certainly can load lots of items in one place. Want to know? Come on, look below.

1. Make a list of items that will be packaged beforehand

Even if you forget, at least you can add items that must be taken before packing. Budget can be broken if you have to buy, just because you forget to enter important items that you should bring.

2. Roll clothes

This method can help you save a lot of space in a bag or luggage. After rolling it, tie it with a rubber band so that the clothes are still rolled up and not crumpled.

3. To avoid stains, turn over clothes

So if there is a spill or any object that can stain your clothes, the ones that are affected are the inside. Safe, right?

4. Bring beach cloth

Besides being able to use it for sitting on the beach, you can also use this cloth as a blanket, head cover, and additional clothing if suddenly you are cold and the clothes you wear are not warm. Beach cloth also does not require a lot of space such as blankets or jackets.

5. Bring the Daypack

It's really lazy if you have to bring a backpack as big as an orangutan or drag a suitcase everywhere when you want to take a walk. Live your luggage or backpack at the inn, then bring a daypack to store all the necessities that you need right around the tourist attractions.

6. Insert the charger & cable in the glasses

Don't forget to also roll the cable and tie it with a rubber band so that it doesn't tangle.

7. Avoid shampoo / liquid soap spills using plastic under the lid

Cut small size plastic and put it on top of container shampoo or liquid soap before closing. Guaranteed, the contents will not spill everywhere.

8. Put skincare products in a straw

In addition to skincare products, you can also add make-up equipment and medicines. Close the end of the straw by heating it in the candle flame. Save a lot of space right, Aladiners?

9. Bring a plastic bag

There are lots of uses for plastic bags when traveling. Make leftover food places, wet clothes, snacks when traveling, and so on. Plastic bags also don't need a lot of space in your bag or suitcase if you fold it neatly.

10. Put all bookings, tickets, documents in one bag or plastic envelope

Don't forget to keep the soft copy in your e-mail just in case. If suddenly the print out is lost or damaged, you can just search for the internet cafe or use your laptop that is connected to the internet, continue printing again, anyway.
