4 Healthy and Super Thrifty Sports

6 Healthy and Super Thrifty Sports - Solid activity and increasingly unhealthy food make us more aware and think about how to still be able to live healthy, healthy bodies, and other healthy lifestyles. Finally we think of dieting or eating other healthy foods, or a diet with drugs and all kinds. We forget that there is one simple method but everyone can do it. What is that? Yep, none other than not exercising.

Maybe our view is directly focused on the type of sport that is currently draining a lot of money and 'capital'. Eitss, don't worry first, because there are still some sports that will make our bodies healthy and our bags healthy too. So, read it guys!

1. Run around the park.

Olahraga Sehat dan Hemat - Lari Keliling Taman

Yep, this sport is most commonly done by all of us. All you need is clothes and shoes that are comfortable for you to run. Usually the most fun plus a headset to listen to songs. If by chance your house is inside a complex or housing, you can go around the housing. Not bad while familiarizing yourself with the surrounding neighbors? Or if you get bored, you can go to the nearest city park.

It sounds really classic, it's running around the complex, but in fact the morning run has many benefits and is free again. What are the benefits of morning running? Some of them are burning the body's calories, repairing bones, and increasing muscle mass in the body, preventing the risk of diabetes.

Because by running we not only burn calories but also cholesterol in the body. And the last thing is to run our legs and move to become flexible so that we are increasingly protected from rheumatic diseases. How?

Keki if alone? Invite your mama, daddy or brother to take part in sports. Or invite your friend or girlfriend too. Doesn't hurt if the intention to live a healthy life is also transmitted to other people? Don't need expensive capital for the course or the instructor, guys!

2. Jump Rope

Olahraga Sehat dan Hemat - Lompat Tali

The second cheap sport is skipping aka jump rope. Maybe this is not a new sport, even when we are small we often play with friends using rubber bands. Well, when we were young we could live healthy, why now?

Can you choose, if you want to jump on a traditional rope when you are a kid, or jump a modern rope, just buy the rope? Easy anyway. Moreover, this sport is not only done at home. Bored right? While nature tourism is also okay. Go to the beach and do jump rope while feeling the beauty of the beach charm in your city. Exciting isn't it?

What are the benefits of jump rope? Most people think, jumping rope is only for those who want to add height. Eitsss, wrong. Jumping rope is useful for improving our blood circulation so that healthier skin, jump rope is also suitable for those of you who are on a diet! No need to hold back your appetite, or not even eat at all. Diet in a normal and healthy way!

3. Zumba Dance

Olahraga Sehat dan Hemat - Zumba Dance

Who doesn't know rhythmic gymnastics? Since the elementary school era, it is also certain that part of our rhythmic gymnastics is often done before entering class, right? It's good to exercise, come out dry, but while jogging. Even if you have memorized the songs and rhythms, we subconsciously sing by ourselves, right?

You only need to look for songs for aerobic exercise only. If it's still layman, just ask which rhythm is suitable for beginners, beginners, or experts. If you are bored with the monotone rhythm, mix and match the current songs and make your own movements that can still sweat you. Thrifty right?

4. Swimming

Olahraga Sehat dan Hemat - Renang

This is one fun sport too. Especially if the weather outside is hot, it's delicious and playing water. Let it be useful to play the water, it's better while swimming alone.

If you have a friend who has a house with swimming pool facilities, can you occasionally play to his house as well as hospitality, hehe. Nothing wrong with that right? But don't often, think of the benefits again hehe. Or look for a swimming pool with adequate and certainly clean facilities at an affordable price. Swimming doesn't have to be every day, just 1-2 times a week has provided many benefits.

What are the benefits of swimming? Make no mistake, swimming can nourish the heart and lungs, because by swimming we also learn to regulate breathing. With swimming, it helps us to increase muscle and bone strength, elevate the body, and form the ideal body, including the biceps. Can't you swim? Invite friends or relatives who can help you learn.
