Healthy Diet Rules for a Healthy Heart

Aturan Diet Sehat Jantung Sehat - Diet Berfaedah

Healthy Diet Rules for a Healthy Heart - Living the right diet can help restore and support heart health. Of course, every food and drink consumed must be arranged in such a way. In addition to a healthy lifestyle and exercise, the right diet will greatly affect your heart health.

This healthy heart diet aims to provide food with good nutrition to support the heart's work, and not even interfere with the heart's work. Another benefit is, reducing excess weight. Yes, this weight problem is also one of the causes of heart disease. Finally, prevent and eliminate edema or swelling caused by accumulation of salt or water in the body.

Here are tips on a healthy heart diet that you can follow to continue to maintain health.

1. Control of Food Portions

The amount of food you consume is as important as what you eat. Letting the plate fill up with food until you feel very full of course makes excess calorie intake, which can lead to obesity. Especially if your lifestyle includes those who rarely move. Wow, if you are like this, you must be smart in managing your calorie intake.

Want to stay full without excessive calorie intake. You can, really. Try filling your plate with foods low in calories but rich in nutrients, such as fruits and vegetables. Remember, the number of servings you need to consume of course depends on the lifestyle you live in, huh! Everyone has different calorie needs, depending on your health condition too. It's good to consult an expert before starting to apply a certain diet.

2. Eat More Vegetables and Fruits

This type of food is a good source of vitamins and minerals. Vegetables and fruits are also low in calories and rich in dietary fiber, containing substances that can help prevent cardiovascular disease. Eating more fruits and vegetables can help reduce high-calorie foods, such as meat, cheese, and sugary snacks. The presentation is also easy. Choose recipes that have vegetables or fruits as the main ingredients, such as sauteed vegetables or fresh fruit mixed into salads.

3. Choose Red Rice Without Spit

In addition to the low levels of the glycemic index, brown rice also has high fiber content so it is good for someone who is running a diet program. Brown rice helps control the increase in blood sugar levels because the fiber content in red rice is high, so it is good for heart patients. In addition, brown rice is rich in selenium which is beneficial for heart health. Consumption of grains such as brown rice helps reduce clogged arteries due to plaque buildup. This protective measure reduces the risk of heart problems such as high hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

4. Limit Unhealthy Fat

Limiting consumption of saturated and trans fats in food is an important step to reduce blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. High cholesterol levels can cause plaque buildup in the arteries, which can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Limit saturated fat levels to no more than 5-6% of calorie needs per day. For example, if your calorie needs are 2000 per day, then your calorie intake per day from saturated fat is recommended to be no more than 120 calories. Always check food labels to see how much saturated fat is contained in each portion. When using fat as a food processing ingredient, make sure to always use monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats. Even so, even good consumption of fat - still has to be limited to maintaining calorie intake.

5. Protein As Needed

In general, we need around 10% -35% of protein from daily calorie needs. Or about 46 grams of protein for adult women and 56 grams for adult men. But you should choose from the right source. Animal and vegetable proteins are equally permissible. It's just that you should choose lean (no fat). You can try skinless chicken meat, lean beef, fish, eggs (without egg yolk), low-fat milk, and skim milk. As for the recommended sources of vegetable protein for consumption such as soybeans and processed foods, and red beans.

6. Limit the Use of Salt

This will help you control blood pressure. Even though you can limit the use of salt in the food you cook at home, keep an eye on the food you consume in restaurants or snack in packs, huh.

7. Arrange the Daily Menu

Good planning starts with a good arrangement. This daily menu aims to regulate food consumed. Pay attention to the portion and make sure the food variations in your diet. Choose a source of lean protein and limit foods that are too salty. As a snack, fill it with vegetables, fruits, nuts, or seeds. The daily menu will help ensure that you will get all the nutrients your body needs and the choice of food is still fun for you to consume.
