Steps to Make a Business Event Organizer

Langkah - Langkah Membuat Bisnis Event Organizer - EO

Steps to Making Business Event Organizer - Event Organizer or familiar with the term EO is a business that is increasingly popular. How come? This one business is perfect for you who are very active and happy to innovate. In addition, making business has a very positive effect on reducing unemployment in Indonesia (as evidenced by BPS 2018, unemployment in Indonesia becomes 5.34%) due to giving birth to new jobs. Are you also interested in making EO? Here are what steps you should take.

1. Select the Event Type

EO also has various types. Therefore, you have to choose what type of EO you want because if not you will be overwhelmed with determining the focus of your business, especially in terms of competing with competitors later. How, you can review what EOs are most needed around you, whether events within the company (training, outbound, etc.), non-governmental organizations abbreviated as NGOs (related to donations, dissemination of concern), or maybe celebrations like weddings, birthdays, and so on. Each type of event has advantages and disadvantages. For that you should choose according to the ability and target market.

2. Find Information About EO

Not only a technical matter, science is also needed to organize an event. You must understand how the workflow before the event starts, when the event takes place, and after the event is finished. If you don't master what is needed and needed, then it can have an impact on client satisfaction with your service procurement business. The worst impact is that clients will no longer use your EO services to organize the program. However, the client spends a certain amount of funds for you so that the program runs according to his wishes and plans ‘right?

3. Experience

It is very important for you to have experience in organizing an event because to understand how it works you have to experience it yourself by going straight to the field. You can also get experience not only as an event organizer but by attending an event you can understand how to work as an EO. Although of course it must be different between taking part in directly taking part in an event and just being an observer. With experience, you can train yourself to have an attitude that is swift, deft, fast, and firm. In addition, there are important abilities for you to have too, such as being able to solve problems, interact with others, be confident, and so on. This can provide professional value to your EO business.

4. Building Relationships

An EO without relationships will make it difficult for your business to run because it is impossible for you to prepare everything yourself. Instead of taking time to take care of small things, it's better to maximize your time before the event by developing a mature concept. Of course the existence of relations can make it easier for you to take care of these small things. Another advantage is that having a lot of relationships can also minimize the budget you have. The benefits you get will be even higher! Like an EO business, a wedding. You will benefit greatly from having relationships with parties that have a wedding hall, stage providers, catering, music performance, and so on. They will help realize the wishes of your clients.

5. Build a portfolio

The more events your EO has organized, the more clients will come to you. Building a portfolio means increasing experience, Colleagues. All of these things can increase the trust of others in the expertise that your EO has. There is nothing wrong with starting an EO business from organizing family events or close friends around you first (certainly according to the type of EO you chose at the beginning). Don't forget to display your EO business portfolio in the media that reaches the wider community because this really helps to raise awareness! You can also showcase the programs that you have organized in the form of photos and videos.
